Recently, our team completed precision grinding on a project for an OEM specializing in the production of automated manufacturing equipment. The customer required ID grinding and jig grinding to complete a set of motor blocks for automated equipment.

Obtain Optimal Results from the Precision Grinding Experts

Our team is familiar with performing intricate jig and ID grinding services quickly and efficiently. Working with superior equipment, Duval can provide high-tolerance grinding services on large components with complex geometries.

The motor blocks were approximately 4” x 4” x 5” and made of cast iron. They featured several bearing bores through the center for later assembly. To complete the motor blocks, the customer required ID grinding and jig grinding to achieve the desired tolerance of .0003”.

Grinding Complex Surfaces

During the course of the project, our grinders noted that an additional surface grind operation would be required. The surface grind would be necessary to improve the parallelism and perpendicularity of the outside surfaces in order to achieve the desired final outcome of the part. The additional operation would also help to ensure that the final alignment of the motors in this particular automation system would be correct once assembled. Our team advised the customer of this assessment and were able to complete the order without further issue. 

For more information about precision grinding services for automated manufacturing equipment, contact the experts at Duval Precision Grinding, today.

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