Grinding Services for Power Generation
Precision Grinding Services for Power Generation Companies
While nuclear power has required precision grinding services for years, new performance standards and technologies require precision grinding services to become more efficient and meet more exacting standards. Now, gas and wind turbines are likely to require precision grinding for certain parts.
OEM Approvals for Grinding Power Generation Parts
OEM-approved for companies like Westinghouse and Siemens, Duval Precision Grinding is the source to contact for precision grinding on both new parts and old-power generation equipment that needs to be re-manufactured.
Seventy Years Serving the Power Generation Industry
For over seventy years, the highly trained machinists at Duval Precision Grinding have been meeting the needs of the power generation industry. Now with new processes and technology, including plated parts, coated parts, and parts such as those with HVOF or plasma coatings, Duval Precision Grinding continues to serve the power generation industry.
Services and Capabilities for the Power Generation Industry
- Grind stripping of coating
- Chemical strip chrome plating
- Chemical strip
- Spray coating
- Plasma coating
- HVOF coating
- Shot peen
- Finish grinding
- ID grinding
- OD grinding
- Surface grinding
- Rotary surface grinding
- Blanchard grinding
- Jig grinding
- ID honing
- Lapping
- Super finishing
- FPI (Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection)
- MPI (Magnetic Particle Inspection)
- NDT (Non-Destructive Testing)
Consistent Performance
When manufacturers of power generation equipment and managers of power plant facilities need precision grinding, they can rely on Duval Precision Grinding. A customer should always know the status of their parts and that the parts will meet their specifications. Duval Precision Grinding specializes in executing extreme precision grinding reliably and on schedule, delivering parts that meet the exact specifications every time. To be certain of this, Duval Precision Grinding utilizes CMMs and NDT to ensure that every part meets your requirements. With tolerances held up to +/-.00001, machinists are able to assure specs are met on time, the first time, every time. To achieve the performance you require, Contact Duval Precision Grinding.
Do you require precision grinding services for power generation?

A component for a nuclear reactor at Duval, ready for precision grinding services.
How to Choose A Precision Grinding Vendor

A Toyoda ID-OD grinding machine is one of many pieces of specialized grinding equipment at Duval.