This has been a record year of growth for Duval Precision Grinding and we are preparing to ramp up for an even bigger year ahead. As January approaches, our team is doing its part to meet with clients; upgrade and maintain equipment; and plan new, landmark goals that will set us apart in 2017.

Staying in Touch: Visiting Clients to Build Stronger Relationships

At Duval, we strive to maintain strong relationships built on reliable communication with our customers. Over the past few months, our management team has been making onsite visits with customers to establish a face-to-face understanding of their needs and concerns.

We recently made trips to client locations in Connecticut, Arizona, New Hampshire, and several more in between. While onsite with clients, our managers make it a point to tour the shop floor, meet with purchasing managers, and observe operations. Staying in touch with personal visits allows us to gain a better understanding our client’s needs and to better understandand help solvethe issues they face on the manufacturing floor.

Staying in Shape: Equipment Maintenance Ensures Consistent Quality and Optimal Precision

optimize grinding lean principlesAchieving the level of precision that our clients’ products demand requires dependable and accurate equipment. All of our equipment undergoes regular maintenance to ensure it is functioning at its maximum potential. Some of our machines have been with us since the company was founded, and with dedicated care and attention, they still perform above and beyond expectations.

Our machine shop utilizes a combination of modern CNC grinding and traditional, manual grinding techniques. Keeping our machines in peak condition requires the attention of specialized, third-party technicians. This maintenance is an important factor in our ability to meet challenging specifications, hold tight tolerances on complex parts, and provide our customers with the results they need.

Staying Ahead: Connecting with Customers to Set Landmark Goals for the Year Ahead

valvesOur team of experts is looking ahead to prepare for customer growth plans in 2017 and beyond. Several top aerospace manufacturers have reached out to Duval with hockey-stick growth plans that cover 20172020. To assist these customers in reaching their goals, we have been working with their engineers and production planners to prepare for incremental increases in orders.

Many customers do not realize that they can contact us directly to plan growth expectations in advance, but forecasting these changes ahead of time allows us to be prepared and maintain the flexibility required to accommodate the changing needs of these manufacturers as they ramp up production in a highly competitive and demanding market.

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